Wednesday 25 May 2011

Eagle's Geopolitical Eye

Pakistan and Geopolitics
Nadir Mir
Brigadier Nadir Mir (R), SI (M) ndc, afwc, fsc (T), psc, qsl 

                                Soldier      to    Scholar

For his school and college education, he attended the prestigious Karachi and Quetta Grammar Schools, St. Anthony’s High School, Aitchison College and FC College Lahore.
In his Military Education, he is a graduate of Armour School, Fort Knox USA, Army Staff College Quetta, Turkish War Academy Istanbul, War College and National Defence College Islamabad.
Nadir Mir knows Urdu, English and Turkish languages. He is widely travelled and a globe trotter.
After “Farewell to Arms” Brigadier Nadir Mir aspires to contribute for the national cause – Pakistan. He is now settled in Lahore.   

Author of trilogy of books
·      Gwadar on The Global Chessboard (Published)

·      Geopolitik Pakistan (A Global and Futuristic Outlook) has been published


·      Nuclear Discourse (A Nuclear Discussion at Two Tiers – South Asia and Global) is being completed (revised and updated)

Aim of Blog
To contribute to Pakistan, Geopolitics and Global Peace.
To introduce new thinking, highlight dynamic Geopolitics, challenging conventional wisdom.